Randrews Ryan Feraer

Music Teachers in Abu Dhabi UAE

Ryan studied Classical Guitar Performance at the University of Sto. Tomas (UST) Conservatory of Music, under Prof. James Peter Namit. He also gained performance diplomas from Trinity College London and obtained Associate of Trinity College London (ATCL) in Classical Guitar Performance and Licentiate of Trinity College London (LTCL) in Classical Guitar Performance.

He received lessons from renowned classical guitarists Prof. Ruben Reyes and Prof. Butch Roxas and participated in many guitar masterclasses and workshops conducted by international guitarist including Joseph Henriquez, Thibault Cauvin etc.

Ryan was an active member of University of Sto. Tomas Guitar Ensemble. He travelled and performed in concerts and music seminars all over the Philippines.

Ryan started teaching guitar while studying at the University and now has more than 12 years of experience.

He speaks English & Tagalog.

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